High protein burger is an alternative to eating the carbs you’re trying to avoid while dieting and it’s simple, all you need are the following ingredients: Continue reading “Low Carb, High Protein Burger Wrapped In Lettuce”
Toddler Brain Growth: Parents Be Active Participant In Playtime Diversity
Diversity in playtime for your toddler is very important, so get them out of the home and research new parks. If you remain stuck in the house a good part of the day, your toddler will get bored and will turn your home upside down. Continue reading “Toddler Brain Growth: Parents Be Active Participant In Playtime Diversity” →
Spending Time With Her: My Funny & Amazing Daughter
Today, I put my daughter in a fancy, frilly red dress that she got for Christmas. I hadn’t let her wear it because she’s a bit tomboyish. However, today I decided to put the dress on her anyway, especially as it was perfect for Valentine’s Day photos. The best thing about living close to the beach is that you can schedule your own photo shoots. Continue reading “Spending Time With Her: My Funny & Amazing Daughter” →
Happy Valentine’s Day: Finding Love In The Strangest Places
Love is not hard to find, if you see that you already have plenty of it in your life. And if you’re single but, you are lucky to have a pet, don’t forget they can make your heart day special. Continue reading “Happy Valentine’s Day: Finding Love In The Strangest Places” →
Valentine’s Day: Personalizing Your Gift With Photography
Personalizing gifts is super simple and if you’re a mom, dad, or parent I’m sure you’re familiar with Shutterfly and Tiny Prints. As a content producer, I love photography because it documents life as it occurs. Once you take a photo, it exists forever. Continue reading “Valentine’s Day: Personalizing Your Gift With Photography” →
Family Day With Fur Babies: Even Toddlers Enjoy The Dog Park!
I have 3 kids, two fur babies and a toddler and yes, the fur babies came first. They’re getting old, too. Abraham (Japanese Chin/Yorkie) is 8 years old and Abigail (Japanese Chin) is 7 years old. Continue reading “Family Day With Fur Babies: Even Toddlers Enjoy The Dog Park!” →
My Petite Fearless Toddler: Confidence Comes In All Sizes
A fearless toddler can come in all sizes; one need not necessarily be on the 100th growth percentile to demonstrate confidence. Continue reading “My Petite Fearless Toddler: Confidence Comes In All Sizes” →
Today’s fiasco in trying to find a stupid sleep sack is yet another reminder why I am an Amazon Prime member. You get free shipment and you don’t have to fool around driving all over the place looking for what you need. Continue reading “MY REVIEW ON 4 MAJOR STORES & WHY I WILL BE BUYING MORE ONLINE” →
Dieting has officially sucked me in the health kick zone, so now I am super motivated to eat healthier and yes, cook if I have to. Case in point: I made stuffed red bell peppers today for the first time! Continue reading “DIETING DOWN: HEALTHY STUFFED RED BELL PEPPERS” →
Coffee + A.D.D. + 3-Day Baby Food Juice Diet = Rambling Blog Post Diagnosis
Coffee and A.D.D. equals a nice diagnosis of a rambling blog post, but coffee helps me to ramble less. Go figure. Obviously, today, the coffee isn’t working. Ha ha ha. Continue reading “Coffee + A.D.D. + 3-Day Baby Food Juice Diet = Rambling Blog Post Diagnosis” →