Today’s fiasco in trying to find a stupid sleep sack is yet another reminder why I am an Amazon Prime member. You get free shipment and you don’t have to fool around driving all over the place looking for what you need.


The biggest reason why everyone is shopping online now is to save time. And you know what they say, “Time is money.” You know what I say? Time is everything! If you’re spending several hours trying to hunt down an item, it’s OK to fly solo. But, hauling a kid around? Ummm…today sucked, FYI.

It’s not cool when you’ve got an antsy toddler and you’ve got to go to 4 stores just to find what you need.

I mean, if you’re a busy working professional or a stay-at-home mom it doesn’t matter. Time is precious and we can all use more of it if we had the option. Needless to say, Ariabella was very patient and well behaved considering the situation.


The biggest issue I have with Walmart is that they don’t stock enough variety of baby items. It’s like Black Friday everyday. A horde of people ransacked the kid’s and women’s section.

The other day I went to buy an ovulation kit because the hubby and I are trying for number two. Well, there was one smashed up box that was actually open. It was the generic brand totaling $12.77. They gave me $0.77 cents off the total for the open box and claimed the items inside were not tampered with so they couldn’t cut me a better deal.

They had zero swaddles for babies or toddlers of any age.

Walmart gets a big fat F today. I knew I should have purchased an ovulation kit online through Amazon, but I didn’t. I like deals, even if it’s scoring because the box is open or smashed.


I love Target and I shop there all the time, but they didn’t have any sizes beyond a medium for the Halo sleep sack. If the situation wasn’t urgent, I would have bought the Halo sleep sack or another brand online. But, since Ariabella got out of her crib this morning for the second consecutive day, and also at lunch during nap time, I had to hunt for one.

Target gets a B today.


Okay, now I am very surprised to report this one. The Toys-R-Us/Babys-R-Us combo store should have had baby swaddles. I am shocked to learn they had only swaddles for newborns and no other sizes.

Toys-R-Us/Babys-R-Us Combo store gets a big fat F for today.


Not only does BuyBuy Baby (owned by the same owners as Bed Bath and Beyond) have everything you need, but they have deals. I love deals. They have every single type of swaddle you can think of and had plenty of different sizes! If I would have purchased the swaddle through Amazon, I don’t think I could get a 20% off deal. Not only did I buy a Halo sleep sack in the size I was looking for, I paid less for it. In other words, I got it cheaper than if I would have purchased it at Walmart or Target!

BuyBuy Baby gets an A+++ for today.

Moral of the story: If something is an urgent matter and you must buy it now and it’s a baby item, don’t go with Target or Walmart. Go with BuyBuy Baby because they have tons of deals. There is always a 20% discount or $5 off coupon available. If you can wait, seriously, buy it online and get it through Amazon!

Sonyo Estavillo
Content Creator * Momma * Writer * Blogger
Passionate writer, content creator, social media fanatic, former news producer, reality TV lover and documentarian at heart who has a true love of real, human stories as well as animals. I’m an opinionated, multi-faceted, multi-talented, woman juggling motherhood, career and life.
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Sonyo Estavillo

Passionate writer, content creator, social media fanatic, former news producer, reality TV lover and documentarian at heart who has a true love of real, human stories as well as animals. I’m an opinionated, multi-faceted, multi-talented, woman juggling motherhood, career and life.

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