Family Day With Fur Babies: Even Toddlers Enjoy The Dog Park!

I have 3 kids, two fur babies and a toddler and yes, the fur babies came first. They’re getting old, too. Abraham (Japanese Chin/Yorkie) is 8 years old and Abigail (Japanese Chin) is 7 years old. Gosh, talk about time going by! I remember when they were puppies. Now, Abraham is exhibiting signs of arthritis and so we plan to take him to the vet for a check up.


Although there isn’t much to do for kids, you’ll be surprised at how much fun they have at a dog park. Dog parks are typically open, fenced spaces with plenty of space for either a small or large dog. We go to the small-dog section because my fur babies are, well, small; and although they’re manageable, it’s tough with a toddler. I do have 3 babies, seriously and it’s a lot of juggling. So, we don’t always go to the dog park. But when we do, Ariabella has a blast. Also, a dog park allows me to socialize with other adults. Yes, actually talking to an adult is refreshing because I spend most of my time with a 21 month old!

MY TRIPLE “A” FAMILY: ABRAHAM, ABIGAIL, ARIABELLAFamily Day With Fur Babies: Even Toddlers Enjoy The Dog Park!

I swear my next kid is not going to have a first name that begins with the letter A. When you name your fur babies and your kid, be careful what you name them. Things get confusing quickly. So, I hope our second kid won’t feel left out not having an A name. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve called Ariabella “Abigail,” and vise versa! I also call Abigail “mama” as a nickname and also gave the same nickname to Ariabella. It’s just what I call little girls . So, now when I say “mama” both the dog and the kid come running! Ha ha ha!


My toddler doesn’t need a bunch of fancy toys, although we do spoil her. But, we also try to encourage creativity and imaginative play. Today at the dog park she ran so hard. I swear she sprints faster than I do. And because she’s been going to the dog park since she was 4 months, she’s acclimated to it.


In case you’re worried about germs, honestly there are germs everywhere. I’ve given up on worrying about what’s got bacteria and what doesn’t. Our daughter has never gotten sick going to the dog park. Plus, she loves playing with other dogs and of course kicked and threw a fit when we had to leave. But, it was also nap time and once I got her in the car she crashed. By the time we got home, both fur babies were totally out also. Ariabella took a long nap and Abraham did, too (he snores super loud!)

Yes, my dog is getting old and snores louder than most humans I know. Abigail, our smallest dog (about 6 pounds), hates to exercise now. Dogs get old and like human. They run out of energy quicker. With a house full a sleeping babies, this gave me time to work on today’s video and blog post and get ready for date night.

Yep, the baby sitter is here and it’s time for me to get ready to enjoy sushi with the hubby!


Sonyo Estavillo
Content Creator * Momma * Writer * Blogger
Passionate writer, content creator, social media fanatic, former news producer, reality TV lover and documentarian at heart who has a true love of real, human stories as well as animals. I’m an opinionated, multi-faceted, multi-talented, woman juggling motherhood, career and life.
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Sonyo Estavillo

Passionate writer, content creator, social media fanatic, former news producer, reality TV lover and documentarian at heart who has a true love of real, human stories as well as animals. I’m an opinionated, multi-faceted, multi-talented, woman juggling motherhood, career and life.

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