My toddler is 21 months and she hardly has any hair, which is surprising to me because I have thick hair. My husband also has relatively thick hair except for the fact that his hair is now thinning. So, I am perplexed that our daughter has fine hair and not much of it yet. Continue reading “Hair Growth: My Toddler Is Almost 2 & Hardly Has Any Hair!”
Family Day With Fur Babies: Even Toddlers Enjoy The Dog Park!
I have 3 kids, two fur babies and a toddler and yes, the fur babies came first. They’re getting old, too. Abraham (Japanese Chin/Yorkie) is 8 years old and Abigail (Japanese Chin) is 7 years old. Continue reading “Family Day With Fur Babies: Even Toddlers Enjoy The Dog Park!” →
Sharing Parental Roles and Consistency
Sharing parental roles reduces stress in the family and enforces consistency in children. Kids rely on their parents being consistent with them and developing a routine. Continue reading “Sharing Parental Roles and Consistency” →
Cry It Out: When Should Parents Let Their Child Cry?
There are various types of parenting techniques. It’s been a big debate to let your child cry it out or not. We don’t let our child cry it out and usually rock her, if she is having a hard time falling asleep. But, this week I finally let her cry it out and it worked. She fell asleep within 5 minutes. Continue reading “Cry It Out: When Should Parents Let Their Child Cry?” →
Postpartum Depression vs. General Depression: There’s A Big Difference
(Depression In Moms- Part 1)
There’s a big difference between clinical depression and postpartum depression. For one, clinical depression usually pre-exists pregnancy or giving birth. However, if you are prone to depression, the likelihood for you to experience depression after giving birth is higher. But don’t mistake postpartum depression with general depression.
Continue reading “Postpartum Depression vs. General Depression: There’s A Big Difference” →
Children Find The Littlest Things Exciting: Lessons Learned by New Parents
It’s exciting getting your child engaged in new surroundings. I get a kick out of watching my daughter’s sheer amazement at every little thing no matter how mundane they may seem to be. Continue reading “Children Find The Littlest Things Exciting: Lessons Learned by New Parents” →
Manually Pumping Your Breast Milk: No Offense, It’s Like Milking A Cow
Yes, manually pumping your breast milk is like milking a cow, no joke and if you feel like one, join the club. But, it does works as well as breast pumps. I brought the pump with me to Palm Springs, but forgot the power cord of all things. Ugh. Continue reading “Manually Pumping Your Breast Milk: No Offense, It’s Like Milking A Cow” →
To All Moms Going Through Motherhood: Do NOT Lose Your Identity!
Motherhood is an amazing experience, but it can be all-consuming. Time management is so important when you’re a parent, especially if you’re a new mom. In the beginning, I immersed myself in motherhood because I’m not the type to do things halfway. Continue reading “To All Moms Going Through Motherhood: Do NOT Lose Your Identity!” →
Dear Super Moms: Save Your Sanity & Get A Part-Time Baby Sitter
A baby sitter is not you, of course. I do get it. It’s tough to part from our children not to mention trust a stranger with your baby. You need to save your sanity as a parent, especially if you’re a mama that works from home like I do. Continue reading “Dear Super Moms: Save Your Sanity & Get A Part-Time Baby Sitter” →
Benefits Of Taking Your Toddler To An Indoor Playground
An indoor playground helps to keep your toddler learning by exploring new environments. Toddler’s need diverse experiences in order to grow. Outdoor playgrounds are obviously free and if you have one you can walk to, even better. Continue reading “Benefits Of Taking Your Toddler To An Indoor Playground” →