My toddler is 21 months and she hardly has any hair, which is surprising to me because I have thick hair. My husband also has relatively thick hair except for the fact that his hair is now thinning. So, I am perplexed that our daughter has fine hair and not much of it yet.
Hair growth is genetic, my husband’s mother has fine hair and when my husband was a baby he was bald. Our daughter looks a lot like the hubby and is fair, influenced by the Irish in her.
We’ve been giving our toddler gummy vitamins which help and have been spraying her hair with Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E. It’s a moisturizing hair oil with peppermint and Keratin. We are hoping it helps her hair grow, it definitely helps with her curls because she’s already fighting frizz.
Some babies come out with a full head of hair, while other babies don’t have any or just a little. As long as the pediatrician is giving you the “okay” that your toddler is growing at a normal rate, then you have nothing to worry about. Our pediatrician tells us that our toddler, while petite, is growing just fine and that’s what’s most important. By May 12th, she’ll turn 2 years old and I suspect her hair will not have grown all that much. I’m a worrier and started to “Google it” only to find that plenty of 2 year olds have little hair.
Petite babies might not grow at the same speed as heftier babies that tend to consume more. Some babies are just picky, like my daughter only wanted breast milk and didn’t want formula. She is still selective, but getting better at eating veggies and healthier meals. We continue to feed her vitamins and make sure she eats well. Our daughter’s hair growth will happen at its own speed; we’ll be updating our posts if the Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula hair oil actually works!
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