Toddler Life: Moms, Put Your Running Shoes On!

Life with a toddler is nonstop, gosh, I am not exaggerating when I say that you have to put your running shoes on. My daughter has been going nonstop since she was in the womb.


I mean she used to turn and move and flip and then get the hiccups. Ugh. So, I read bloggers and parent threads from moms with active babies in the womb.

Yes, it’s true if they’re active in the womb, you’re going to need some good running shoes to chase after your kid. My daughter loves to do this thing where she runs and laughs because she wants you to chase after her. And, I’m not kidding y’all she is fast…like super fast.Toddler Life- Moms, Put Your Running Shoes On!


It is exhausting chasing after a toddler, especially as they near the age of two. We keep her active, trust me, with plenty of diverse activities. This week I drop her off at the YMCA day care and she cries at first because she doesn’t want to leave mama. Then, I go to pick her up and she’s sitting like a big girl coloring with a staff. When I tell it’s time to go, she doesn’t want to leave. She then proceeds to throw the biggest tantrum, crying fit, stomping on the ground and screaming “no!”

Then she broke free and started to run around Toys R Us today, when I was at the register. Luckily, she was running around and semi-lost in the best place a kid can get lost in!


There are lots of toddler tables that can get pricey, I chose a cute Princess Sofia table at Toys R Us because it came assembly free. It’s a simple fold out table accompanied by 2 chairs. Although toddlers are super active and love running around, they can also focus on fun tasks like coloring. Plus, getting them sitting in their little chairs and coloring prepares them for preschool.

Since I got the table for my daughter, she loves it. The moment she wakes up, she runs over to sit and color. It’s super cute to see her acting so mature, like point to other babies at the park and say “baby.” She forgets that she is still a baby.

No matter how old my daughter gets, she’ll always be my baby.

Sonyo Estavillo
Content Creator * Momma * Writer * Blogger
Passionate writer, content creator, social media fanatic, former news producer, reality TV lover and documentarian at heart who has a true love of real, human stories as well as animals. I’m an opinionated, multi-faceted, multi-talented, woman juggling motherhood, career and life.
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Sonyo Estavillo

Passionate writer, content creator, social media fanatic, former news producer, reality TV lover and documentarian at heart who has a true love of real, human stories as well as animals. I’m an opinionated, multi-faceted, multi-talented, woman juggling motherhood, career and life.

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