There are various types of parenting techniques. It’s been a big debate to let your child cry it out or not. We don’t let our child cry it out and usually rock her, if she is having a hard time falling asleep. But, this week I finally let her cry it out and it worked. She fell asleep within 5 minutes.
The 4th Trimester & Cry it Out Method
There is something called the 4th trimester that is the extra trimester your child truly needs in order to feel safe. It’s as if newborn humans need it, but the female human body is just not built to support a 4th trimester. Most of us moms freak out at just imagining carrying around our child another trimester!
Letting your little one cry it out is a personal decision. The hubby and I, until just this month,
always rocked our daughter. Our rocking chair broke at last, and that’s when we decided to put her to bed without replacing the rocking chair. Which was a big decision because we could only put her to bed using the rocking chair. Anyway, the hubby does rock her in his arms before bed, but briefly and now that she’ll be 21 months in February we are changing things up during her naps as well.
Putting Your Child Down For Naps & The Cry it Out method
No one likes to hear their child cry and maybe the reason my daughter and I have such a close bond is because of my parenting style. She’s still breastfeeding and enjoys falling asleep on us. But, every parent needs a breather and at some point kids need to learn to listen to their parents. She starts to get manipulative and wants us to pick her up or she’ll get upset. So, like I said, I’m putting her down for naps now without any rocking in my arms. Our daughter is petite and always will be, this makes me believe that her small stature needed the extra closeness.
Now, she will cry it out for 5 minutes and then she’s totally out. She naps for 2 hours usually, so this gives this mama some me-time. Every mom and dad has their own parenting style.
Letting our awesome toddler cry it out for 5 minutes, works for our family.
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