My 3-Day Juice Fast: Liquid Diet For Weight Loss

I decided to do a 3-day juice fast after I weighed myself this morning and the scale flashed 145 lbs. Just a week ago I was 143.8 and now I am up! Gosh, it’s not like I’m gorging on pizza every night. If you see my posts, I’m eating salads and exercising and everything.


So, for the next 3 days I’m not stopping at McDonald’s and not having a large Diet Coke. I love Diet
Coke! That’s probably my problem. Anyway, I also have a toddler, but that’s no excuse and I might not even get to 3 days.

I’m not expecting to lose a ton of weight during my 3-day juice fast. From what I’ve been reading online, most people lose around 5 pounds. By the end of today, after biking to the local Farmers Market and literally downing a 64-ounce cold pressed green juice, I am cranky as hell because I’m starving. I forget the ingredients but lets just say it was called “green detox.” I drank it down because I needed something in my stomach and couldn’t wait till I got home.


Needless to say, everything about the 3-day juice fast so far has gone great, except by the end of the day I’ve hit a grumpy wall. I mean, Ariabella clinging on to my legs and wanting my boobs and incessantly demanding to watch more Elmo videos. Everything just drove me bonkers. Ryan comes home and I tell him he needs to take over and luckily, he is a super understanding and helpful partner. I got to escape for a bit, go shopping at Trader Joe’s and skip the dreaded food sampler guy giving away giant slices of pizza!

No exaggeration either…they were huge sample portions! Just smelling the pizza I could feel my hips expanding.


One day down, two more to go. Yikes. Like any challenging goal, you have to take it one day at a time. When it comes to fasting, you seriously have to remind yourself not to get too overwhelmed by the big picture. Take the big picture in small digestible chunks.

I’m planning on having chicken and beef broth, liquid soups, green juices, and lots of water. Hey, I’ll also allow myself to have coffee. I’m making this stuff up as I go along, I’ll let you know by tomorrow whether or not I’ve lost any weight! Of course, exercise is good, hence the bike ride with my daughter today (wore her out, she passed out on the bike!)

I’m planning on exercising and still eating well. The idea of a 3-day juice diet is to see weight loss, get motivated, and continue to lose the weight from there. My sister (the body builder) went on a 30-day water fast in Costa Rica! Yes! She lost 35 pounds, so crazy. I can’t do 30 days with a toddler. I’m starting with 3 days and if I can manage…maybe I’ll take it to 2 weeks. But, one day at a time!






Sonyo Estavillo
Content Creator * Momma * Writer * Blogger
Passionate writer, content creator, social media fanatic, former news producer, reality TV lover and documentarian at heart who has a true love of real, human stories as well as animals. I’m an opinionated, multi-faceted, multi-talented, woman juggling motherhood, career and life.
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Sonyo Estavillo

Passionate writer, content creator, social media fanatic, former news producer, reality TV lover and documentarian at heart who has a true love of real, human stories as well as animals. I’m an opinionated, multi-faceted, multi-talented, woman juggling motherhood, career and life.

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