Groupon is so awesome, seriously! I love Groupon for the obvious reasons that you get great discounts for the entire family! Continue reading “GET YOUR GROUPON…ON: MOMS HAVE TO LOVE DISCOUNTS”
Independent Streaks in Toddlers: The Only Thing Stopping Our Daughter is a Sleep Sack
A sleep sack might be the only thing to rein our daughter in at night. Because, when it comes to independent streaks in toddlers, our daughter takes the top prize. She has a motor that just won’t quit. She goes and goes until finally crashing at bedtime. Thank goodness she tires herself out and sleeps about 12 hours a night. Continue reading “Independent Streaks in Toddlers: The Only Thing Stopping Our Daughter is a Sleep Sack” →
Dieting has officially sucked me in the health kick zone, so now I am super motivated to eat healthier and yes, cook if I have to. Case in point: I made stuffed red bell peppers today for the first time! Continue reading “DIETING DOWN: HEALTHY STUFFED RED BELL PEPPERS” →
My 3-Day Juice Fast: Liquid Diet For Weight Loss
I decided to do a 3-day juice fast after I weighed myself this morning and the scale flashed 145 lbs. Just a week ago I was 143.8 and now I am up! Gosh, it’s not like I’m gorging on pizza every night. If you see my posts, I’m eating salads and exercising and everything. Continue reading “My 3-Day Juice Fast: Liquid Diet For Weight Loss” →
Healthy Eating: Get Your Toddler To Enjoy Eating Healthier
Eating healthy is hard to do, not only trying to make your toddler do so but yourself, as well. Continue reading “Healthy Eating: Get Your Toddler To Enjoy Eating Healthier” →
Exercise is so important for parents, especially if you’re a writer and constantly sitting on your fat ass at the computer. You need to get up and move! I’ve been slacking lately because my daughter is 21 months and at that age where she’s all over the place. I find myself dropping her off at the YMCA day care and joining other parents plopped in front of their computers or books just to get work done. Continue reading “EVERY MAMA NEEDS EXERCISE: WALK, RUN, BIKE, SWIM…JUST GET OUT & MOVE!” →
Children Find The Littlest Things Exciting: Lessons Learned by New Parents
It’s exciting getting your child engaged in new surroundings. I get a kick out of watching my daughter’s sheer amazement at every little thing no matter how mundane they may seem to be. Continue reading “Children Find The Littlest Things Exciting: Lessons Learned by New Parents” →
Slow Cooked Pork Tenderloin Smothered In Mushroom Sauce
I rarely eat pork, but enjoy it once in a while. What is fun is experimenting when I cook and throwing things together. Of course, I’m all for following a recipe but I also like to come up with my own. I later found out that the recipe I “threw together” is already a recipe. Continue reading “Slow Cooked Pork Tenderloin Smothered In Mushroom Sauce” →
Breastfeeding Beyond 1 Year: How Long Should You Breastfeed?
Breastfeeding is very personal decision between the mama and her child. It’s not up to anyone or anything else except Mother Nature. Not all moms produce enough to sustain her child for the recommended year. Other times, some babies are just finicky and won’t latch, or they prefer the bottle. Continue reading “Breastfeeding Beyond 1 Year: How Long Should You Breastfeed?” →
Why We Should All Appreciate Our Child & Our Important Role As Parents
It’s easy to allow ourselves to not appreciate our time with our children because being a parent isn’t always fun. Being a parent is the single hardest job, in my opinion, that any human will ever do. We don’t always appreciate our job as a mom or a dad because we’re not always good at it. Most of us will always be novices, learning along the way and making a bunch of mistakes. But, we get up the next day and we try a little harder. Continue reading “Why We Should All Appreciate Our Child & Our Important Role As Parents” →