Exercise is so important for parents, especially if you’re a writer and constantly sitting on your fat ass at the computer. You need to get up and move! I’ve been slacking lately because my daughter is 21 months and at that age where she’s all over the place. I find myself dropping her off at the YMCA day care and joining other parents plopped in front of their computers or books just to get work done.
Forget the treadmill. Hoards of moms can be found at the YMCA, sitting on our asses ecstatic that they’ve got 2 hours to themselves before needing to pick up the rug rat. I fantasize and dream up all the possibilities, all that I can get accomplished with 2 full hours to myself. That’s 2 hours of writing!
Now, since I’ve gained weight in the process, I have to find new things to keep my daughter excited and my heart rate up. She loves bike riding, and while I’m not going to slim down to a size zero by riding the bike it is exercise and we are getting outdoors, enjoying the fresh air.
Some moms are super awesome athletes, like my sister who has 4 kids and a 6 pack. She runs like 6 miles, 3 days a week! Ugh. She makes it look so easy! Did I mention she also has a Ph.D. and she’s a young adult or YA writer??? YES!
Super moms run for fun! OMG! They hardly need motivation to get out and exercise. But, this mama hates to run. I wish I had the love like real runners do. The bizarre euphoria that seems to overcome them…um…I’ve never experienced it. Maybe one day I’ll enjoy running.
Instead, today I went for a bike ride with my daughter and we had a blast. We biked The Strand from Redondo Beach to the North End of Hermosa Beach. Biking is not the same as running because you don’t get the same type of resistance. Let’s be clear, I’m not talking about the Lance Armstrong type of biking. I’m talking about the chilling-out-on-your-beach-cruiser kind of biking.
But, hey, exercise is exercise…at least I’m getting off my ass and getting out in the sun!
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