Diversity in playtime for your toddler is very important, so get them out of the home and research new parks. If you remain stuck in the house a good part of the day, your toddler will get bored and will turn your home upside down. Continue reading “Toddler Brain Growth: Parents Be Active Participant In Playtime Diversity”
Happy Valentine’s Day: Finding Love In The Strangest Places
Love is not hard to find, if you see that you already have plenty of it in your life. And if you’re single but, you are lucky to have a pet, don’t forget they can make your heart day special. Continue reading “Happy Valentine’s Day: Finding Love In The Strangest Places” →
Independent Streaks in Toddlers: The Only Thing Stopping Our Daughter is a Sleep Sack
A sleep sack might be the only thing to rein our daughter in at night. Because, when it comes to independent streaks in toddlers, our daughter takes the top prize. She has a motor that just won’t quit. She goes and goes until finally crashing at bedtime. Thank goodness she tires herself out and sleeps about 12 hours a night. Continue reading “Independent Streaks in Toddlers: The Only Thing Stopping Our Daughter is a Sleep Sack” →
Healthy Eating: Get Your Toddler To Enjoy Eating Healthier
Eating healthy is hard to do, not only trying to make your toddler do so but yourself, as well. Continue reading “Healthy Eating: Get Your Toddler To Enjoy Eating Healthier” →
Exercise is so important for parents, especially if you’re a writer and constantly sitting on your fat ass at the computer. You need to get up and move! I’ve been slacking lately because my daughter is 21 months and at that age where she’s all over the place. I find myself dropping her off at the YMCA day care and joining other parents plopped in front of their computers or books just to get work done. Continue reading “EVERY MAMA NEEDS EXERCISE: WALK, RUN, BIKE, SWIM…JUST GET OUT & MOVE!” →
Cry It Out: When Should Parents Let Their Child Cry?
There are various types of parenting techniques. It’s been a big debate to let your child cry it out or not. We don’t let our child cry it out and usually rock her, if she is having a hard time falling asleep. But, this week I finally let her cry it out and it worked. She fell asleep within 5 minutes. Continue reading “Cry It Out: When Should Parents Let Their Child Cry?” →
Children Find The Littlest Things Exciting: Lessons Learned by New Parents
It’s exciting getting your child engaged in new surroundings. I get a kick out of watching my daughter’s sheer amazement at every little thing no matter how mundane they may seem to be. Continue reading “Children Find The Littlest Things Exciting: Lessons Learned by New Parents” →
Manually Pumping Your Breast Milk: No Offense, It’s Like Milking A Cow
Yes, manually pumping your breast milk is like milking a cow, no joke and if you feel like one, join the club. But, it does works as well as breast pumps. I brought the pump with me to Palm Springs, but forgot the power cord of all things. Ugh. Continue reading “Manually Pumping Your Breast Milk: No Offense, It’s Like Milking A Cow” →
Capturing Childhood Moments: Motherhood From The Camera Lens
Capturing childhood moments is so vital, which is why I have some type of recording device with me at all times. It’s amazing how much the iPhone comes in handy. I currently have the iPhone 6 Plus and would love to upgrade to the iPhone 7, but instead I’ll waiting for the 8. Continue reading “Capturing Childhood Moments: Motherhood From The Camera Lens” →
Parent’s Choice Diapers Versus Expensive Name Brands
Name brand diapers are usually in every major store. But Parent’s Choice Diapers are specifically a Target brand. Wal-Mart carries Up & Up Diapers, which I have also tried. You see, this mama isn’t huge on name brands and certainly isn’t big on spending money. Continue reading “Parent’s Choice Diapers Versus Expensive Name Brands” →