Who said being a new mommy was easy? I had this domain name purchased for about a year and I meant to design this site, but being a rookie mommy made things a bit of a challenge. While my daughter is now almost 11 months old, it still feels like I brought her home from the hospital yesterday.
As the title of this site states, yes, it’s a blog geared towards older new parents, which seems to be more and more popular and frequent today. I only have one child and it feels overwhelming just having her not to mention giving her a little brother or sister.
Parenting can be tough, you don’t know if you are doing anything correctly. You’re just trying to survive in between poopie diapers, feedings, and as they get older, crawling into and on everything. I found myself rushing to Google, researching everything I didn’t know only to be overwhelmed by all the parenting blogs clogging up the net. So now, I’m guilty of erecting my own parenting blog.
But, we’re not here to tell you how to be a parent. We’re total novices, trust me on this. We’re older, maybe we might be more established in our careers. We’re done with school and we waited.
The challenge of being an older parent, or at least one that’s not in his or her 20s, is that you’ve grown comfortable and accustomed to having your freedom. You’re used to your workaholic ways where achievements and career ambitions took root in what’s most important in our lives. And then, career driven folks like me create a human and everything completely changes.
Some people can just hand their kid off to a baby sitter and return to the grind without blinking twice. For me, what was most important was making sure that my daughter had me around to ease her into the world. Not long after she was born she latched and fed. Not all moms have that experience, and I realize how lucky I was. Even now, when she still refuses the bottle, instead wanting her milk straight from the source. That’s how she was on day one and that’s how she remains at 11 months old.
Every child is different. Some mommies resume their careers ASAP. Their babies take to the bottle and even formula. My child can’t stand the bottle. She hated the formula. She didn’t want anything but me. For a while, she didn’t even want to be with Daddy. She only wanted Mommy. And believe it or not, we get so many compliments on how happy she is.
Over and over people stop us on the street and compliment her smile. I’m not exaggerating. She smiles from the time when she wakes up until we put her in her crib. Well, most of the time, anyway.
Yes, I’ll admit I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m a novice mommy. But, when I look at my daughter, I see that going with my instincts and being here for her has worked for us. Her smile is proof that I must be doing something right. I take comfort in that.
Sonyo, this is an absolutely wonderful blog you have here. The cover page is an eye-popping design. So nice to read how you have evolved into motherhood. I remember in the 70’s we had no disposable diapers and washed cloth diapers. Oh and the first baby has boiled bottles..lol..everything was in a “sterile state”…which is a bigger laugh. Glad to know you on here, I will share with my nieces who are later mommies. To love a child is so big, but I have had the opportunity to love grandkids and great grandkids and you know what, the love never stops to be an amazing experience! Kuddos to you.
Thank you Priscilla. It’s definitely a journey being a new mom. I know some moms that still do the cloth diaper because of the whole recycle movement. I can’t do cloth diapers. I’m not sure if it’s any easier being an older mom or one that’s waited after their career was somewhat established and done with schooling. But, I do believe everything happens for a reason. Now I get it when I revisit the old saying “you can never be prepared for kids.” You might think you’re prepared, but kids don’t come with a manual. I’m learning as I go, one day at a time and so far my little human is super happy and smart. I guess I’m doing something right. Thanks for following me and for reading. 🙂