Rainy Day + New Mom = Cabin Fever

Rainy Day + New Mom = Cabin Fever

When it’s rainy, it’s easy to get stuck in doors especially with a little one. I started feeling cabin feverish today because of the weather. It’s been rainy and gloomy all day. Ugh. I could never live in Seattle! Luckily, I made four great investments.

  1. Jogger Stroller

First of all, I don’t like to jog let alone run. But, found the jogger to steer better especially walking long distances. As a recovering workaholic, I prefer to stay active and busy. In my opinion, it helps getting exercise especially as a new mom. Even if you don’t feel up to it because you’re drained it’s imperative to get yourself outdoors and moving.

  1. Rain cover for jogger.

I’m glad I purchased a rain cover for my jogger. I wasn’t sure I needed it because it doesn’t rain that much in SoCal. But, it has rained enough where I needed it. It gives me no excuse and forces me outside going on my daily walk. Exercise can make a difference between staying positive verses feeling isolated. Being a new mom often accompanies cabin fever moments, because you’re child might be too young to be exposed outdoors for too long especially if they’re newborns. Or maybe your little one is sick. Maybe you’re drained and the amount of energy it takes just to get out the front door can be taxing… so you don’t bother. In our case, our daughter has what we call an “expiration date.” Her limit for outings is roughly two-hours and that’s not too bad.

  1. Fitbit (or your choice of exercise tracker)

It gives me plenty of time for a long walk with my trusty Fitbit, I try to walk about 10,000 steps a day (about 5 miles give or take.) I don’t always get to my goal, like today because of the rain. But, I do try. If you need motivation and you don’t want to spend the cash on an ongoing personal trainer, the Fitbit and exercise types of tools can greatly boost your level of physical activity. Yes, you’ll still spend money. But, it won’t be as expensive as hiring a personal trainer.

  1. Good running shoes

Finally, the fourth best investment I made is getting decent running shoes. I am glad I didn’t get a cross trainer or walking shoes. Good running shoes in my opinion have better support for not only jogging, but for walking long distances. I also found during my long walks, listening to my favorite podcast or an audio self-help book to be a great mood booster.

Which carrier should you get? Ergobaby is a definite must have!

If you’re dealing with bad weather, regardless if it’s rainy or snowy getting out to the store just to look around can help. Checking out the nearest library, bookstore, and lets not forget the YMCA. The library in my neighborhood has a great children section with tons of books for children of all ages. They also have mommy and me story time for babies from newborn to toddlers.

Some days, you’ll feel isolated no matter how busy you make yourself and no matter how many people you surround yourself with. Everything helps, especially remaining positive and joining mommy groups via Meetup.com. I’ve joined a local mom’s group that meet almost every day. Hey, all the mommy support helps especially if you’re like me and don’t have family nearby. I’m learning that giving myself TLC is extremely important. Making you a priority is not a selfish thing. It means you’ll be healthier on a physical and emotional level, which means a more balanced mama for your little one.

New Aging Parents

Sonyo Estavillo
Content Creator * Momma * Writer * Blogger
Passionate writer, content creator, social media fanatic, former news producer, reality TV lover and documentarian at heart who has a true love of real, human stories as well as animals. I’m an opinionated, multi-faceted, multi-talented, woman juggling motherhood, career and life.
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Sonyo Estavillo

Passionate writer, content creator, social media fanatic, former news producer, reality TV lover and documentarian at heart who has a true love of real, human stories as well as animals. I’m an opinionated, multi-faceted, multi-talented, woman juggling motherhood, career and life.

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