Losing weight takes dedication and a lot of jiu jitsu scheduling techniques when it comes to parenting and chasing a toddler around! I’m nearing the end of my official second day of the 3-day juice fast, and I had a better weigh-in this morning. Tomorrow morning will be my 3rd and final weigh-in to gauge how much I’ve lost. Continue reading “LOSING WEIGHT IS AN EXERCISE OF THE MIND, BODY & SPIRIT”
Dear Moms & Dads: Family Time Is What You Make Of It
Family time can be anything you make it and doesn’t necessarily require a huge expensive production. Bonding with your child cost nothing but your love, as it’s vital to their confidence and upbringing. So as Daddy, I try to take advantage of every opportunity I get to strengthen my relationship with my daughter and to help her learn and grow. Continue reading “Dear Moms & Dads: Family Time Is What You Make Of It” →
Children Find The Littlest Things Exciting: Lessons Learned by New Parents
It’s exciting getting your child engaged in new surroundings. I get a kick out of watching my daughter’s sheer amazement at every little thing no matter how mundane they may seem to be. Continue reading “Children Find The Littlest Things Exciting: Lessons Learned by New Parents” →
Breastfeeding: Can Nursing Your Baby Cause Fatigue?

Breastfeeding = Fatigue?
Breastfeeding and fatigue go hand in hand, but so does being a new mama. I’ve been breastfeeding since my daughter was just minutes old. She latched on immediately, despite my fear that we wouldn’t have a strong bond after my emergency C-section. To rewind, I had this “perfect” birth plan including music selection, dim lights, ice chips…and it all came crashing down when a failed epidural + the baby heart dropping every time I pushed = emergency C-section. Continue reading “Breastfeeding: Can Nursing Your Baby Cause Fatigue?” →