It’s exciting getting your child engaged in new surroundings. I get a kick out of watching my daughter’s sheer amazement at every little thing no matter how mundane they may seem to be. Continue reading “Children Find The Littlest Things Exciting: Lessons Learned by New Parents”
Building Memories Means Remaining Flexible As A Parent
Building memories requires unplanned excursions, even if it means getting derailed. Case in point, we just got back from Las Vegas. It took 4 hours just to get from Vegas to the state line. Yes, 4 hours. Picture our Prius: We have our 19 month old + 2 dogs + Christmas gifts. Continue reading “Building Memories Means Remaining Flexible As A Parent” →
What My Spontaneous Baby Girl Has Taught Me
Spontaneous Baby Girl = FUN!
I have a spontaneous baby girl who is constantly keeping me on my toes and helping me to appreciate special impromptu moments. Continue reading “What My Spontaneous Baby Girl Has Taught Me” →