Dogs Require Your Time
Family dogs, especially puppies, can be cute but they are a lot of work. Abraham is half Japanese Chin and half Yorkie. He is about 18 pounds and will always be my first baby. When I first purchased him, I was lonely and deep down in my gut I felt a yearning to care for something…someone.
If you are a mother or a father that decided, whether planned or unplanned, to start a family at a young age you may not understand the yearning one feels when the “typical age” to start a family passes. Everywhere you turn, you see pregnant mothers glowing with this radiance you wish you had. Everywhere you turn, you see babies in strollers and your heart drops.
For a very long time, during my 20s and into my 30s I had the horrible experience of not being a mother. My heart ached for a child and I filled that ache with Abraham and he didn’t disappoint. Abraham was sweet, loving, an extravert, and loved to travel. No matter where I went, no matter what dog park we would discover Abraham would befriend almost anyone. He didn’t care too much for other dogs, it was humans he loved and gravitated towards. As time went on, I noticed that Abraham needed a friend and so I got Abigail, a now 6 pound Japanese Chin.

Dogs Get Old = More Work
It is amazing that Abraham is now 7 years old and Abigail is 6 years old. Recently Abraham had to get a tooth pulled and his teeth cleaned. He also had an ear infection. Ugh! I went to an affordable local clinic (dogs are expensive) and sat in the waiting room with my 13 month old. It was super hard. Of course I still remember researching and find Abraham and Abigail like it was yesterday.
For years, my fur babies were the only babies in my life. I had doubt that I would ever have my own little human baby. But, I was gifted with my daughter Ariabella Zofia. Yes, I have all three triple A’s. Abraham, Abigail, and Ariabella. I recall speaking to parents that had kids but chose to not have dogs. I didn’t know why? I actually judged them to be weak and felt that they were not sensitive enough to understand the impact dogs can have on your life.
I say dogs because pet cats are not the same. Dogs are so much like babies, often times they are harder. Especially when trying to make travel arrangements. You can take your baby with you if you travel. However, you can’t always take your pets. So, you then have to try and find sitters for your dog or dogs. If you have more than one dog, it’s super expensive especially if you are going to go on vacation for at least a week. I have an amazing daughter who is literally the sun in my life. My daughter is radiant and beautiful and over-the-top happy. She smiles from morning until night and her laughter can make anyone fall to their knees. But, babies are a lot of work and adding fur babies makes life exciting but equally challenging at times.
My daughter is a magical, amazing gift and the best thing that has ever happened to me. Though, having dogs and being a first time mom is not easy. I found myself taxed with my two fur babies and my human one. I had no idea I would feel this way, but I did. Because, being a new parent is life changing and having 2 dogs to also care for is a ton of responsibility. You start to feel the neediness from 3 living souls grappling for your attention.
If you are a new parent and you think it will be “cute” to have also have a dog. My advice is to wait until your child is at least in Kindergarten to introduce a dog. As cute as puppies can be they are like having another child. If you’re not equipped to care for another child, then you should wait until you’re able to take on the responsibility.
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