Breastfeeding is very personal decision between the mama and her child. It’s not up to anyone or anything else except Mother Nature. Not all moms produce enough to sustain her child for the recommended year. Other times, some babies are just finicky and won’t latch, or they prefer the bottle. Continue reading “Breastfeeding Beyond 1 Year: How Long Should You Breastfeed?”
Attachment Anxiety in Babies, Toddlers, & Kids: Dealing With Strong Bonds
Attachment anxiety in toddlers is normal, but it isn’t always easy to deal with as a parent. As a child, I was clingy with my mom and now, I suppose, that trait has been passed down to my daughter. It’s not like we’ve got a family secret recipe on, “How to make your baby clingy.” Continue reading “Attachment Anxiety in Babies, Toddlers, & Kids: Dealing With Strong Bonds” →
Why We Should All Appreciate Our Child & Our Important Role As Parents
It’s easy to allow ourselves to not appreciate our time with our children because being a parent isn’t always fun. Being a parent is the single hardest job, in my opinion, that any human will ever do. We don’t always appreciate our job as a mom or a dad because we’re not always good at it. Most of us will always be novices, learning along the way and making a bunch of mistakes. But, we get up the next day and we try a little harder. Continue reading “Why We Should All Appreciate Our Child & Our Important Role As Parents” →
Molluscum Contagiosum: Most Common Toddlers & Kids Skin Condition
When our daughter was 8-months we noticed tiny little bumps on her legs. At first, we thought it was a little rash and it would go away. Our pediatrician even thought so and gave us steroid cream. But, when it didn’t go away, we ended up getting referred to a dermatologist. Continue reading “Molluscum Contagiosum: Most Common Toddlers & Kids Skin Condition” →
Playing Indoors When It’s Raining Outside: Keep Your Toddler Busy!
Playing indoors has its benefits, even if you have just a couple of places to pick from that are free. Admittedly, I can never live in Seattle because it’s way too depressingly rainy and this mama is prone to getting “the bummies.” Continue reading “Playing Indoors When It’s Raining Outside: Keep Your Toddler Busy!” →
Top 10 Toddler Books You Should Read To Your Child
“Read to your child,” you hear many people say and see on PBS commercials regarding the importance of story time on child development. My husband and I are both writers and avid readers. Although I am a slow reader, I do read quite a bit and am currently reading The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak. It’s a spectacular book, given to me by my sister for Christmas. Continue reading “Top 10 Toddler Books You Should Read To Your Child” →
Building Memories Means Remaining Flexible As A Parent

Building memories requires unplanned excursions, even if it means getting derailed. Case in point, we just got back from Las Vegas. It took 4 hours just to get from Vegas to the state line. Yes, 4 hours. Picture our Prius: We have our 19 month old + 2 dogs + Christmas gifts. Continue reading “Building Memories Means Remaining Flexible As A Parent” →
To All Moms Going Through Motherhood: Do NOT Lose Your Identity!
Motherhood is an amazing experience, but it can be all-consuming. Time management is so important when you’re a parent, especially if you’re a new mom. In the beginning, I immersed myself in motherhood because I’m not the type to do things halfway. Continue reading “To All Moms Going Through Motherhood: Do NOT Lose Your Identity!” →
Dear Super Moms: Save Your Sanity & Get A Part-Time Baby Sitter
A baby sitter is not you, of course. I do get it. It’s tough to part from our children not to mention trust a stranger with your baby. You need to save your sanity as a parent, especially if you’re a mama that works from home like I do. Continue reading “Dear Super Moms: Save Your Sanity & Get A Part-Time Baby Sitter” →
Benefits Of Taking Your Toddler To An Indoor Playground
An indoor playground helps to keep your toddler learning by exploring new environments. Toddler’s need diverse experiences in order to grow. Outdoor playgrounds are obviously free and if you have one you can walk to, even better. Continue reading “Benefits Of Taking Your Toddler To An Indoor Playground” →