Groupon is so awesome, seriously! I love Groupon for the obvious reasons that you get great discounts for the entire family! Continue reading “GET YOUR GROUPON…ON: MOMS HAVE TO LOVE DISCOUNTS”
Healthy Eating: Get Your Toddler To Enjoy Eating Healthier
Eating healthy is hard to do, not only trying to make your toddler do so but yourself, as well. Continue reading “Healthy Eating: Get Your Toddler To Enjoy Eating Healthier” →
Dear Moms & Dads: Family Time Is What You Make Of It
Family time can be anything you make it and doesn’t necessarily require a huge expensive production. Bonding with your child cost nothing but your love, as it’s vital to their confidence and upbringing. So as Daddy, I try to take advantage of every opportunity I get to strengthen my relationship with my daughter and to help her learn and grow. Continue reading “Dear Moms & Dads: Family Time Is What You Make Of It” →
Postpartum Depression vs. General Depression: There’s A Big Difference
(Depression In Moms- Part 1)
There’s a big difference between clinical depression and postpartum depression. For one, clinical depression usually pre-exists pregnancy or giving birth. However, if you are prone to depression, the likelihood for you to experience depression after giving birth is higher. But don’t mistake postpartum depression with general depression.
Continue reading “Postpartum Depression vs. General Depression: There’s A Big Difference” →
Exploring My Korean Culture Through Food: H-Mart, Best Korean Grocery Store
(My Korean Culture- Part 1)
Being half Korean, I love exploring my culture and especially dig when a Korean grocery store opens up in my neighborhood. Korean grocery stores are everywhere, but it’s especially nice when you don’t have to commute to one. H-Mart in Torrance recently opened in my neighborhood and so it is a treat to go there. Continue reading “Exploring My Korean Culture Through Food: H-Mart, Best Korean Grocery Store” →
Manually Pumping Your Breast Milk: No Offense, It’s Like Milking A Cow
Yes, manually pumping your breast milk is like milking a cow, no joke and if you feel like one, join the club. But, it does works as well as breast pumps. I brought the pump with me to Palm Springs, but forgot the power cord of all things. Ugh. Continue reading “Manually Pumping Your Breast Milk: No Offense, It’s Like Milking A Cow” →
Vacationing Away From The Toddler: He/She Will Be Fine!
Vacationing away from the toddler, at least for a day or two, is perfectly fine. Gosh, the idea of being away from my toddler for two days feels extreme, at least I think initially.
Continue reading “Vacationing Away From The Toddler: He/She Will Be Fine!” →
Playing Indoors When It’s Raining Outside: Keep Your Toddler Busy!
Playing indoors has its benefits, even if you have just a couple of places to pick from that are free. Admittedly, I can never live in Seattle because it’s way too depressingly rainy and this mama is prone to getting “the bummies.” Continue reading “Playing Indoors When It’s Raining Outside: Keep Your Toddler Busy!” →
Top 10 Toddler Books You Should Read To Your Child
“Read to your child,” you hear many people say and see on PBS commercials regarding the importance of story time on child development. My husband and I are both writers and avid readers. Although I am a slow reader, I do read quite a bit and am currently reading The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak. It’s a spectacular book, given to me by my sister for Christmas. Continue reading “Top 10 Toddler Books You Should Read To Your Child” →
40-Something & Ready To Dye: Get Rid Of Gray
My last name is Gray and I started living up to the pedigree when I was just 27 years old. That’s when I noticed the first strand of gray hair in my coif. I muttered something under my breath and hastily plucked it from the root. It didn’t work. Continue reading “40-Something & Ready To Dye: Get Rid Of Gray” →