I’m Sick of Elmo: My Toddler’s Red, Furry Obsession!

Elmo is everywhere in our home. He’s taken over and living rent-free. Ever since our daughter laid eyes on him on Sesame Street, it’s been love at first sight!


I think that there are some obsessions that get passed down from generation to generation. Case in point, the hubby grew up on Sesame Street and still loves it because it brings back fond memories. Plus, it teaches young children about the alphabet and numbers as well as how to share.

But anyway, for all the teachable skits, Ariabella loves no Sesame Street character more than Elmo. She is absolutely obsessed with the furry red guy with orange nose. She thinks Elmo is funny and cute and so smart and dreamy.



Second obsession I must mention is breastfeeding. Yes, I loved breastfeeding and fed for a long time. I think like 3 or 4 years old. My daughter is turning 20 months on the 12th of January and she is still breastfeeding. Let me get something straight, I’m not forcing her she just LOVES it. No joke. She breastfeeds 3 times a day, which of course you can guess, morning, after her nap in the afternoon, and before she goes to bed.

The hubby will get her up in the mornings to let me sleep in some times and will point “daddy” to the bedroom door. She will say “daddy…mommy” like pleading with him. Once she kicked and screamed when he was merely trying to allow me to sleep, but she pleaded “daddy” and pointed at the door again to the bedroom. He finally opened the door and she ran to the bed giggling and smiling at me “mommy, mommy…bebe’s.” Ariabella’s word for boobies is “bebe’s.” So, yeah, I think she will be the sort of kid that I will need to sit down and have a conversation about the bebe’s if we need her to stop. She will end up drinking until she’s in Kindergarten and well, I think this mama thinks that’s just a tad too long.

Just Go With IT: Breastfeeding or Watching Elmo, Sometimes Kids Get Fixated!

We watch the Elmo’s World DVD every single day. Sometimes we watch it while she’s breastfeeding, her favorite! And it has to be Elmo’s World. No, not Beauty and the Beast or The Little Mermaid or the stack of other animated movies we have here.

“Baby, how ‘bout this?” I will ask, holding up another DVD. Ariabella makes a whinny noise and swats the DVD out of my hand. Beauty and the Beast goes flying across the room. She’s a strong and determined toddler.

Then, she digs into our DVD case and guess what she hands me? Yep. Elmo’s World. So, guess what this mama did today? I bought, The Adventure of Elmo in Grouchland via Amazon Prime (another must for all parents!)

So, no, I didn’t choke out Elmo…today anyway. Instead, I just purchased another Elmo video she’ll likely want to watch over and over and over and over and over.

I guess I get the “good mama” award for the day!

Elmo and Baby

Sonyo Estavillo
Content Creator * Momma * Writer * Blogger
Passionate writer, content creator, social media fanatic, former news producer, reality TV lover and documentarian at heart who has a true love of real, human stories as well as animals. I’m an opinionated, multi-faceted, multi-talented, woman juggling motherhood, career and life.
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Sonyo Estavillo

Passionate writer, content creator, social media fanatic, former news producer, reality TV lover and documentarian at heart who has a true love of real, human stories as well as animals. I’m an opinionated, multi-faceted, multi-talented, woman juggling motherhood, career and life.

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