Life with a toddler is a fun journey, and I didn’t think I would enjoy myself so much until I had our little rug-rat. My daughter is super happy, loving, fun and independent. I am amazed at how far she’s already come.
Toddler Life: Exploring Independence
It seems like yesterday that we were bringing her home from the hospital, unsure of what we were supposed to do next. She was so very small and helpless. Fast-forward to life today, as she’s throwing away her own trash and trying to clean up spills on the kitchen floor. Ariabella’s life is all about the little things she can do today on her own, like scrub her own feet in the tub at bath time.
Of course, she has more than her share of “uh-oh” moments, like trying to color the TV and getting food in her hair. But every one of these instances, regardless of how frustrating at the time they may seem, are truly adorable.
A Parent’s Life: It’s All About The Kids!
Life as parents to a toddler means restructuring our life around our child/children. It seems our children become independent far quicker than we expect. Our little girl wants to do everything on her own and is very proud of herself when she accomplishes tasks. Even the most mundane activity is a big deal for a toddler as well as her parents. Ariabella can also be very stubborn, which appears to be in her nature and personality. If she’s trying to do something and you do it for her, or don’t let her, watch out. She is at that age where she can quickly devolve into a tantrum, kicking and screaming and writhing on the floor to voice her displeasure.
But more often than not, her outbursts last a minute or two, and then she’s off to the next thing. It’s like she simply wants to let you know she’s not happy about being denied whatever she wanted to do, but she’s moved on and ready to “read” a book by turning the pages and in baby babble explain to us the plot. Or she sees my red high heels, steps into them and starts walking around the house.
Appreciating Toddlerhood: Life As A Toddler Only Last So Long
My husband jokes that our daughter is 21 months going on 21 years. Our daughter enjoys playing with my makeup and recently likes putting on lip balm like she sees Mommy do.
The small but big accomplishments are a source of much pride for her as well as us. She’s truly a special little girl and wants so much to grow up. I suppose every child is like that. And certainly the bigger she gets, the more she’ll be able to do for herself. But that will also mean she’ll need Mommy and Daddy less and less. Now’s the time to enjoy every wondrous moment with her.
Every moment in life should be appreciated and never taken for granted because our children will only be young once.
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